10th Jan

Summer Series: Top highlights from 2023 you NEED to listen to

  • podcast
  • 39 mins

We had no shortage of outstanding guests on the podcast last year and to kick off 2024 off with a bang - we've compiled some of our top moments from 2023.

This episode includes highlights from top economists, CEO's and founders from a variety of different industries including property, crypto, health and business.

Thank you to all our fantastic supporters for making this show possible. We can't wait to keep bringing you amazing content in 2024!

Our Team This week



Founder of ZenAcademy

Zeneca is a writer and speaker who has amassed an enormous following talking about digital assets. He's the founder of ZenAcademy - a web 3 education based business helping its members navigate the exciting yet confusing world of crypto and NFTs.

Taryn Laughlin

Taryn Laughlin

Founder of Hustle Hut Fitness

Taryn is the Founder of Hustle Hut Fitness and has helped hundreds of people achieve their fitness and health related goals.

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Dr Nicola Powell

Chief of Research and Economics at Domain

Dr Nicola Powell is Chief of Economics and Research for Domain and one of Australia’s leading property market experts. Nicola has more than 15 years’ research experience that spans academic, government and private sector. She has a deep understanding of the Australian property market and has focused on property and demographic trends for nearly 10 years.


Pat de Ruiter

Property Mentor, The Property Mentors

With a history of customer success in the fitness industry, Pat believes in the importance of coaching when it comes to helping people define and reach their goals (property related or otherwise). He takes pride in building strong relationships so that he can understand individual objectives, providing the opportunity for dreams to become reality and helping every member achieve their own unique vision.

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Luke Harris

CEO, The Property Mentors

Luke has an extraordinary depth and breadth of experience in business, property and investing. With big dreams, persistence and a can-do attitude, Luke’s ambition is to help the members of The Property Mentors to grow significant wealth through property, so they can go on to successfully fulfil their own dreams and ambitions. Our resident expert, Luke always brings wisdom and intelligence to every Investor Intelligence episode.

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Derek Stewart

Business Development Manager at Flat Planet

Derek is the host of the Future of Australia podcast where he interviews the founders and CEOs of Australia's fastest growing new companies. He is also the Business Development Manager at Flat Planet, an off-shore recruitment agency specialising in sourcing talent from the Philippines.


Jacob Kearnes

Producer and Host

Having always had a strong interest in financial markets, Jacob completed a bachelor’s degree in finance and economics. While studying however, Jacob discovered his true passion was marketing psychology and the science behind what makes people buy. During his studies, Jacob went on to start his own e-commerce brand which laid the foundations of his marketing and business knowledge. With a good attitude, willingness to learn and friendly demeanour, Jacob makes an excellent addition to Investor Intelligence team.

FAQ Series

Have a question about investing? Ask Luke Harris.

Each month we like to present a dedicated FAQ episode where we take questions from our listeners and put them to our resident expert, Luke Harris. With more than two decades of residential and commercial investment experience under his belt, Luke has seen the best and worst of the property market.

Have a question you want answered? Let us know on the link below.