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Phoebe Zukowski-Wallace

Producer and Host (Former)

With extensive experience in podcast producing, audio editing, social media and script writing, Phoebe is a creative powerhouse in the Investor Intelligence team. Her innate interest in creating interesting content coupled with her passion and drive for quality production and storytelling brings life and excitement to the material she produces for Investor Intelligence.

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FAQ's with Luke Harris

For episode 17 of Investor Intelligence we're introducing the first of many in an FAQ's series. Today, Luke brings his most current frequently asked questions to the table. If you have any questions you want asked and answered on the show head to

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Working On Your Emotional Readiness with Mahlia Price

With still so much uncertainty floating around, it's time to talk about mindset and what we can do to promote our emotional readiness. For this weeks episode of Investor Intelligence I have brought on yet another very special guest. Mahlia Price is the CEO of Life Supports which is an incredible mental health organisation that pairs people seeking a range of different counselling with quality therapists and psychologists for their needs. Today we talk about the importance of keeping our emotions in check, what hinders and promotes our quality of life and why mindset is everything when it comes to uncertainty. Enjoy.

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Meet Our Mortgage Broker with Chelsea Burton

If you’ve been listening from the start you’ll know that Luke is always talking about the importance of having your team of experts around you, one of these experts being your Mortgage Broker. Today I’ve got the amazing Chelsea Burton sitting down with me. Chelsea is a senior broker at an independent mortgage broking firm used exclusively by The Property Mentors specialising in investment property loans. Today we delve into what a mortgage broker does, how to source the right one for you and what is happening in the market at the moment from her perspective. Enjoy!