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Luke Harris

CEO, The Property Mentors

Luke has an extraordinary depth and breadth of experience in business, property and investing. With big dreams, persistence and a can-do attitude, Luke’s ambition is to help the members of The Property Mentors to grow significant wealth through property, so they can go on to successfully fulfil their own dreams and ambitions. Our resident expert, Luke always brings wisdom and intelligence to every Investor Intelligence episode.

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Farewell Phoebe - Investor Journey

This week, we bring you a bittersweet announcement as we bid farewell to our remarkable host, Phoebe, who has been an integral part of Investor Intelligence for the past two years. In this special episode, we have a heartfelt conversation between Phoebe and Luke Harris, the esteemed founder of The Property Mentors, where they reflect on the invaluable lessons Phoebe has gained during her time with us. We are also thrilled to introduce the newest member of the Investor Intelligence family and our new host, Jacob Kearns. Today, Jacob shares his favourite things that he's learned from his time at TPM and what excites him the most about taking on the role of hosting Investor Intelligence. The Property Mentors team extends their warmest wishes to Phoebe as she embarks on her next chapter. Her contribution will always be cherished, and we are excited to embark on this brand new journey with Jacob.

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Breaking the bank of Mum and Dad: Should you borrow from your family?

These days, getting onto the property ladder can seem like an insurmountable challenge with rising costs and stagnant wages making it difficult to save up for a deposit. For many fortunate people, this is where the Bank of Mum and Dad steps in, as parents and family members provide financial support to help their loved ones achieve their goals. But is it as simple as your family gifting you money, or is there more to it? To answer that, I invite mortgage broker, Chelsea Burton and investment expert, Luke Harris to talk about how this arrangement works in practice, the benefits and drawbacks for both sides and some of the realities of relying on family support in today's challenging financial landscape.