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Luke Harris

CEO, The Property Mentors

Luke has an extraordinary depth and breadth of experience in business, property and investing. With big dreams, persistence and a can-do attitude, Luke’s ambition is to help the members of The Property Mentors to grow significant wealth through property, so they can go on to successfully fulfil their own dreams and ambitions. Our resident expert, Luke always brings wisdom and intelligence to every Investor Intelligence episode.

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FAQ's with Luke Harris

For episode 17 of Investor Intelligence we're introducing the first of many in an FAQ's series. Today, Luke brings his most current frequently asked questions to the table. If you have any questions you want asked and answered on the show head to

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Positive and Negative Gearing 101

It's a topic that seems to divid many investors, but what do they even mean and how do they work? In todays episode, Luke gives us a beginners lesson on what gearing means, what a positively and negatively geared house looks like and whether or not they are considered strategies.

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The Ins and Outs of Rent-Vesting

For this weeks episode we talk about rent-vesting - the increasingly popular way to get your foot in the property market door without having to compromise your lifestyle. We also coin the term 'sponge-vesting'.